Automated Approval Workflow

You will be able to imply any folder with the workflow automation approval. As and when the file is uploaded to the respective folder, the approval workflow will get started automatically with this configuration.

If you would like to imply an automated approach of the workflow to your folder, then you need to follow the below-mentioned steps:

  1. Select a folder. After this, you need to go to the settings icon and select Approval available in the list view or if you are in the right folder already, you need to go to the toolbar and click on Approval.
  2. After this, you need to click Activate to get started with the configuration of automated workflow.
  3. Then you can complete the resolution text.
  4. You need to select the Serial or Parallel type of approval workflow.
    • When it comes to the Serial type, according to the setup approvers the invitations to approve will be shared.
    • When it comes to parallel type, the approvers will receive invitations to approve the documents simultaneously. The next person will get the invitation if the previous one has approved the respective document.
  5. You need to click on the Create option to finalize the workflow automation approval.
  6. If you would like the same to be activated in the sub-folders, you can select the same and get it activated.

Approval Flow

Search File

File View

Form for mail sending

Mail Sent Successfully

Mail Arrived

Approval Screen

Approval done page

Approval Status

Approval Status

Approval done arrived through Mail