Is E-Securus DMS Supporting On-Premise Solution?

When it comes to E-Securus DMS it is more focused on a cloud-based document management system but there are many other options as well. 

You will have an option in the form of a Hybrid Solution. With the implementation of this concept, the files will be stored on the client’s database and server. But, it will be kept on our cloud management system. This means that the security will not be compromised at all. 

For large organizations, we have local service as well available through our E-Securus DMS software. In fact, you will have our platform in the form of Docker containers that can be easily managed. Running these docker containers will certainly not be an issue on any kind of tech stack. 

To have a database, you will need to operate MySQL or MariaDB so that our application can connect with it. When it comes to file storage facility, you will also be needing S3 compatible object storage. You must make sure to run object storage and database separately. Proceeding this way will certainly help you administer all the security and backup policies the way it is feasible to your needs and requirements.

To know more, do not hesitate and connect with our experts now!